Sugar Plum Blog

Pumpkin Spice Almond Cake - Gluten Free
Mar 29, 2019
Is there really anything better than pumpkins in the fall? Sure, the pumpkin spice flavored everything consumes our grocery stores and local coffee shops each fall, and each year we succumb to that temptation of trying that “new” pumpkin flavored item or fall victim to our old habits and stock up on every single pumpkin spice creamer that Coffee Mate has distributed to your local grocery store?
Coffee Stout Cashew Brownies
Dec 02, 2016
Sometimes, you just need a good brownie. While box mixes are easy and quick, making brownies from scratch isn't difficult, and it's much more rewarding.
Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Spice Pie
Nov 22, 2016
Thanksgiving is just a few short days away- and we can't believe it either! Not prepared? Well, we've got the perfect Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Spice Pie recipe for you to try this holiday season that'll have your family thanking you until the New Year!
Sriracha Pot de Cremes
Nov 11, 2016
Did you know that stressed spelled backwards is desserts? After a long workweek sometimes all we need is a little bit of chocolate, or a brownie, or anything else sweet we can find. This week, we're making Pot de Cremes for 2! It's a super easy recipe (and can easily be doubled to make 4 or more).
Molten Chocolate Cake
Nov 04, 2016
Mmm...warm, melted chocolate cake! This cake is perfect with a scoop of cold vanilla ice cream. It's a lot like souffle, and the light texture isn't too heavy to enjoy after a nice dinner. This recipe will serve 4, but is easily scaled up if you need more!